Note FieldsFields | Type | Description |
usymbol | string | Underlying symbol |
date | yyyy-mm-dd | Note date |
time | hh:mm:ss | Note time |
notes | string | Note text |
w52_iv_event | bool | ATM IV reaches a new 52 week high/low |
w52_iv_high | bool | ATM IV reaches a new 52 week high |
w52_iv_low | bool | ATM IV reaches a new 52 week low |
w52_px_event | bool | Spot price reaches a new 52 week high/low |
w52_px_high | bool | Spot price reaches a new 52 week high |
w52_px_low | bool | Spot price reaches a new 52 week low |
halt_event | bool | Trading halted or resumed |
ssr_event | bool | Short-sale restriction added or removed |
no_events | bool | No events |
dtt | bool | Earnings date break DTT - Tentative date has changed |
dtv | bool | Earnings date break DTV - Tentative date has changed and is now Verified |
dvt | bool | Earnings date break DVT - Verified date has changed and has become Tentative |
dvv | bool | Earnings date break DVV - Verified date for this quarter's earnings has changed |
xtv | bool | Earnings date break XTV - Tentative date is now verified with no change in date |
xvt | bool | Earnings date break XVT - Verified date has become Tentative with no change in date |
xvv | bool | Earnings date break XVV - Verified date unchanged, Time of day updated. Or Prelim ED added or updated, full results ED is Verified |
nq | bool | Earnings date break NQ - The first earnings date update to the company's next quarter |
hst | bool | Earnings date break HST - A verified earnings date update that has already passed |
xtt | bool | Earnings date break XTT - Prelim ED added or updated, full results ED is tentative |
wsh_change | bool | Wall Street Horizons earnings date change |
wsh_event | bool | Wall Street Horizons earnings date event |
wsh_cross | bool | Wall Street Horizons earnings date break that crosses an option expiry |
user | string | Note author's username |
comments | string | Note tags and trading context (#HOTSTOCKS, #BULLISH, Pre-Earnings, ExDiv, 52WeekHigh, etc) |