Note Fields
usymbolstringUnderlying symbol
dateyyyy-mm-ddNote date
timehh:mm:ssNote time
notesstringNote text
w52_iv_eventboolATM IV reaches a new 52 week high/low
w52_iv_highboolATM IV reaches a new 52 week high
w52_iv_lowboolATM IV reaches a new 52 week low
w52_px_eventboolSpot price reaches a new 52 week high/low
w52_px_highboolSpot price reaches a new 52 week high
w52_px_lowboolSpot price reaches a new 52 week low
halt_eventboolTrading halted or resumed
ssr_eventboolShort-sale restriction added or removed
no_eventsboolNo events
dttboolEarnings date break DTT - Tentative date has changed
dtvboolEarnings date break DTV - Tentative date has changed and is now Verified
dvtboolEarnings date break DVT - Verified date has changed and has become Tentative
dvvboolEarnings date break DVV - Verified date for this quarter's earnings has changed
xtvboolEarnings date break XTV - Tentative date is now verified with no change in date
xvtboolEarnings date break XVT - Verified date has become Tentative with no change in date
xvvboolEarnings date break XVV - Verified date unchanged, Time of day updated. Or Prelim ED added or updated, full results ED is Verified
nqboolEarnings date break NQ - The first earnings date update to the company's next quarter
hstboolEarnings date break HST - A verified earnings date update that has already passed
xttboolEarnings date break XTT - Prelim ED added or updated, full results ED is tentative
wsh_changeboolWall Street Horizons earnings date change
wsh_eventboolWall Street Horizons earnings date event
wsh_crossboolWall Street Horizons earnings date break that crosses an option expiry
userstringNote author's username
commentsstringNote tags and trading context (#HOTSTOCKS, #BULLISH, Pre-Earnings, ExDiv, 52WeekHigh, etc)