Trade Fields
sideintNBBO side of trade
sizeintTrade size
price$Trade price
exchstringTrade exchange
timehh:mm:ss.sssTrade time
dateyyyy-mm-ddTrade date
bexchstringNBBO bid exchange at time of trade
aexchstringNBBO ask exchange at time of trade
bid$NBBO bid at time of trade
ask$NBBO ask at time of trade
bsizeintNBBO bid size at time of trade
asizeintNBBO ask size at time of trade
spot$Spot price at trade time
spot_chg+/-Spot price change on day at trade time
volumeintOption volume at trade time
open_intintOption open interest at trade date
delta%Delta at trade time
vegarealVega at trade time
thetarealTheta at trade time
ivolrealImplied volatility at trade time
ivol_chgrealImplied volatility change on day at trade time
ivol_chg_pctrealImplied volatility change in implied volatility % at trade time
usymbolstringUnderlying symbol
expiryyyyy-mm-ddExpiration date
strikerealStrike price
put_callP=Put, C=CallOption type
sharesintShares per contract
cashrealCash per contract
nonstdintNon-standard contract number
flexintFlex Trade
rootstringOption root
ex_styleA=American, E=European, S=Asian, C=CliquetOption exercise style
am_pmA=AM, P=PMSettlement AM/PM
settleC=Cash, P=PhysicalSettlement Type
dtxintNumber of days until expiration
dowintTrading day of the week (1-5)
leapboolOption is a LEAP
symbolstringSecurity symbol
gthboolGTH trade;
osi_symbolstringSecurity OSI symbol
amerboolAmerican exercise style
euroboolEuropean exercise style
asianboolAsian exercise style
cliquetboolCliquet exercise style
amboolAM settlent
pmboolPM settlent
cash_settledboolCash Settlement
physicalboolPhysical Settlement
normalboolNormal trade as indicated by OPRA cond code
spreadboolSpread trade as indicated by OPRA cond code
tiedboolTied trade as indicated by exchange cond code
lateboolLate trade as indicated by OPRA cond code
isoboolIntermarket sweep trade as indicated by OPRA cond code
auctionboolAuction trade as indicated by OPRA cond code
crossboolCross trade as indicated by OPRA cond code
floorboolFloor trade as indicated by OPRA cond code
cobboolCOB trade as indicated by OPRA cond code
leggedboolLegged trade as indicated by OPRA cond code
compressboolCompression trade as indicated by OPRA cond code
extendboolExtended trade as indicated by OPRA cond code
deriv_pricedboolDerivatively priced trade as indicated by stock cond code
tied_to_optionsboolContingent trade indicated by stock cond code
burstboolIntermarket sweep trade as indicated by stock cond code
qualified_contingent_tradeboolQualified Contingent trade as indicated by stock cond code
intermarket_sweepboolIntermarket Sweep Order as indicated by stock cond code
theorealTheoretical value at trade time
gammarealGamma at trade time
net_deltarealNet delta when side is known
net_vegarealNet vega when side is known
notional$Notional value of trade (contracts * spot * shares per contract)
premium$Premium value of trade (contracts * price * shares per contract)
delta_impactrealDelta impact of trade (contracts * delta * shares per contract)
vega_dollar$Vega dollar value of trade (contracts * vega * shares per contract)
dollar_impact$Dollar impact of trade (size * abs(delta) * spot price * shares per contract)
gamma_sharesrealGamma shares of trade (contracts * gamma * shares per contract)
gamma_dollarrealGamma shares of trade (contracts * gamma * spot price * shares per contract)
theta_dollar$Theta dollar value of trade (contracts * theta * shares per contract)
itmboolSecurity was in-the-money at time of trade
otmboolSecurity was out-of-the-money at time of trade
atmboolSecurity was at-the-money at time of trade
sweepboolMulti-part trade - either a sweep or split ticket
splitboolMulti-part trade - single exchange split ticket
cancelboolTrade cancel
part_of_sweepboolPart of a multi-part trade
part_of_spreadboolPart of an identified complex trade
complexboolComplex trade (spread or tied or cob or legged or part_of_spread)
putboolTrade was a put
callboolTrade was a call
exchangestringTrade exchange mnemonic ("CBOE","ISE","AMEX",etc)
optionstringOption type ("Put" or "Call")
mktsidestringMarket NBBO side of trade ("AskSide", "BidSide", "MidMkt" )
timestampstringTimestamp as hh:mm:ss:sss
amexboolTraded on AMEX
arcaboolTraded on ARCA
boxboolTraded on BOX
bxoboolTraded on BXO
bzxboolTraded on BZX
c2boolTraded on C2
cboeboolTraded on CBOE
edgxboolTraded on EDGX
emldboolTraded on EMLD
gemboolTraded on GEM
iseboolTraded on ISE
nomboolTraded on NOM
mercboolTraded on MERC
miaxboolTraded on MIAX
pearlboolTraded on PEARL
phlxboolTraded on PHLX
memxboolTraded on MEMX
sphrboolTraded on SPHR
ssrboolHas short-sale restriction
ivhighboolATM IV has touched a new 52 week high
ivlowboolATM IV has touched a new 52 week low
newhighboolSpot price has touched a new 52 week high
newlowboolSpot price has touched a new 52 week low
earningsboolStock has pending earnings announcement
post_earningsboolStock is post earnings announcement
exdivboolUnderlying is going ex-dividend tomorrow
bidsideboolTrade was on the bid side
asksideboolTrade was on the ask side
buyerboolTrade was an assumed buyer
sellerboolTrade was an assumed seller
hedge_quantityrealTrade hedge quantity (size*delta*shares)
edgerealAbsolute difference between price and theo
weeklyboolExpiry is a weekly
quarterlyboolExpiry is a quarterly
third_fridayboolExpiry is a third Friday
janboolExpiry is 3rd Friday in Jan
febboolExpiry is 3rd Friday in Feb
marboolExpiry is 3rd Friday in Mar
aprboolExpiry is 3rd Friday in Apr
mayboolExpiry is 3rd Friday in May
junboolExpiry is 3rd Friday in Jun
julboolExpiry is 3rd Friday in Jul
augboolExpiry is 3rd Friday in Aug
sepboolExpiry is 3rd Friday in Sep
octboolExpiry is 3rd Friday in Oct
novboolExpiry is 3rd Friday in Nov
decboolExpiry is 3rd Friday in Dec
commentsstringComments on trade context (Pre-Earnings, ExDiv, 52WeekHigh, etc)
conditionstringTrade condition mnemonic (LATE, SPD, TIED, etc)
divcaptureboolDividend capture trade (calls where strike
opt_close$Option closing price
next_day_oiintOption open interest on next day
next_day_oi_chgintOption open interest chg on next day
sectorstringUnderlying sector
subsectorstringUnderlying subsector