Trade Recap
Top Top trades and sweeps
Trades Top trades
Sweep Top sweeps and split tickets
Impact Top trades by delta impact
Vtop Top trades in terms of $vega
Premium Top trades in terms of premium
Notional Top trades in terms of notional value
Recent Most recent trades (can only be used on single a underlying or option)
Cancel Most recent cancels
Amex Top trades on AMEX exchange
Arca Top trades on ARCA exchange
Box Top trades on BOX exchange
Bxo Top trades on BXO exchange
Bzx Top trades on BZX exchange
C2 Top trades on C2 exchange
Cboe Top trades on CBOE exchange
Edgx Top trades on EDGX exchange
Emld Top trades on EMLD exchange
Gem Top trades on GEM exchange
Ise Top trades on ISE exchange
Merc Top trades on MERC exchange
Miax Top trades on MIAX exchange
Mprl Top trades on MPRL exchange
Nom Top trades on NOM exchange
Phlx Top trades on PHLX exchange
Memx Top trades on MEMX exchange
Sphr Top trades on SPHR exchange
Blocks Top underlying block trades
Trade Fields Option Fields Underlying Fields

Spread Recap
Spread Top spread trades
OtherSpread Other spread trades
Combo Top Combo trades
RiskReversal Top RiskReversal trades
Vertical Top Vertical trades
TimeSpread Top TimeSpread trades
Diagonal Top Diagonal trades
Straddle Top Straddle trades
Strangle Top Strangle trades
GutStrangle Top GutStrangle trades
RatioSpread Top RatioSpread trades
RatioRiskReversal Top RatioRiskReversal trades
Butterfly Top Butterfly trades
TimeButterfly Top TimeButterfly trades
PutCollar Top PutCollar trades
CallCollar Top CallCollar trades
PutRatioCollar Top PutRatioCollar trades
CallRatioCollar Top CallRatioCollar trades
Condor Top Condor trades
IronCondor Top IronCondor trades
JellyRoll Top JellyRoll trades
StraddleSwap Top StraddleSwap trades
StrangleSwap Top StrangleSwap trades
IronButterfly Top IronButterfly trades
BoxSpread Top BoxSpread trades
TiedOutright Top TiedOutright trades
TiedSpread Top TiedSpread trades
RevCon Top RevCon trades
Trade Fields Option Fields Underlying Fields

Security Analysis
Moso Most active options
OI Options with the most open interest
OIChg Top changes in open interest
OIUp Top increases in open interest
OIDown Top decreases in open interest
StrikeOi Total OI by strike
Option Fields Underlying Fields

Market Analysis
Most Most active underlyings
Richest Richest ATM IV vs 30 day historical volatility
Cheapest Cheapest ATM IV vs 30 day historical volatility
Movers Largest underlying price changes
Gainers Largest underlying price increases
Losers Largest underlying price decreases
Bullish Bullish Option Flow - unusual call volume ranked by %ask
Bearish Bearish Option Flow - unusual call volume ranked by %ask
Look Option flow summary
High Record 52 week price highs
Low Record 52 week price lows
IvHigh Record 52 week highs for ATM IV[30d]
IvLow Record 52 week lows for ATM IV[30d]
OiTerm Term open interest report
OiTurn Largest open interest turnover
TotOi Top total open interest
TotOiChg Top total open interest changes
TotOiUp Top total open interest increases
TotOiDown Top total open interest decreases
OiCfg Open interest configuration
PutCall Put/call detail
CallPut Call/put detail
Skew 90% put - 110% call IV difference
Term Implied volatility term structure
Volume Option volume breakdown
VTB Volume type breakdown
Uvol Unusual Total Option Volume
Wuvol Unusual Time-weighted Total Option Volume
Underlying Fields

13F Listings
13F Shows option holders for an individual symbol as indicated by most recent 13f filings
13FNew Gives list of filers who reported option holdings for latest quarter but not any prior quarters
13FDead Gives list of filers who reported option holdings for previous quarter but not latest quarter
Holdings Shows 13f data for a specified filer - argument will match to any part of filers name (shortcut: /hds)

Color Market Color and Commentary
News News Headlines
New Newest system features
Note Fields

IVGap Largest implied volatility changes
IVDown Largest implied volatility decreases
IVUp Largest implied volatility increase
IV30Gap Largest 30day atmiv moves
IV60Gap Largest 60day atmiv moves
IV90Gap Largest 90day atmiv moves
IV120Gap Largest 120day atmiv moves
IV180Gap Largest 180day atmiv moves
IV360Gap Largest 360day atmiv moves
IV720Gap Largest 720day atmiv moves
IV30Up Largest 30day atmiv increases
IV60Up Largest 60day atmiv increases
IV90Up Largest 90day atmiv increases
IV120Up Largest 120day atmiv increases
IV180Up Largest 180day atmiv increases
IV360Up Largest 360day atmiv increases
IV720Up Largest 720day atmiv increases
IV30Down Largest 30day atmiv decreases
IV60Down Largest 60day atmiv decreases
IV90Down Largest 90day atmiv decreases
IV120Down Largest 120day atmiv decreases
IV180Down Largest 180day atmiv decreases
IV360Down Largest 360day atmiv decreases
IV720Down Largest 720day atmiv decreases

Wall Street Horizon
WSH WSH - Wall Street Horizon earnings date breaks
DTT WSH - Tentative date has changed
DTV WSH - Tentative date has changed and is now Verified
DVT WSH - Verified date has changed and has become Tentative
DVV WSH - Verified date for this quarter's earnings has changed
XTV WSH - Tentative date is now verified with no change in date
XVT WSH - Verified date has become Tentative with no change in date
XVV WSH - Verified date unchanged, Time of day updated. Or Prelim ED added or updated, full results ED is Verified
NQ WSH - The first earnings date update to the company’s next quarter
HST WSH - A verified earnings date update that has already passed
XTT WSH - Prelim ED added or updated, full results ED is tentative
Note Fields

Futures Futures activity
Flow Bucketed trade flow
Bucket Strike bucketed statistics for volume and open interest
Range Historical 52 week range data for individual symbols
Sentiment Real time market sentiment indicators
Cal Event calendar
Ecal Earnings calendar
Dcal ExDiv calendar
Expiries Upcoming expiration dates for a ticker or group (shortcut: /exp)
Pin Near term options closest to spot
Optex Optimal early excercise calls
SSR Show securities that are short sale restricted
Edge Cboe options edge data
Flex Flex option open interest
FlexNew New flex option open interest
Hashtags List of note hashtags in use
Events List of recent events (halts, SSR, 52wk high/lows reached, earnings announcements)
Borrow Borrow rate indication
BGap Largest change in broker indicative borrow rate
BUp Largest increase in broker indicative borrow rate
BDown Largest decrease in broker indicative borrow rate
EGap Implied earnings event deviation
EventVol Implied event deviation
Steep Highest percentile 30day 25delta put/call ivol skew
Flat Lowest percentile 30day 25delta put/call ivol skew
Steepen Greatest increase in normalized 30day 25delta put/call skew
Flatten Greatest decrease in normalized 30day 25delta put/call skew
Sector Sector Activity
SubSector Subsector Activity